Move specified files into specified directories
move_files(files, destinations, overwrite = FALSE)
file.move(files, destinations, overwrite = FALSE)
A character vector of files to move (relative or absolute paths).
A character vector of the destination directories into which to move the files.
Allow overwriting of files? Default no.
Invisibly, a logical vector with a TRUE
for each time the operation
succeeded and a FALSE
for every fail.
If there are \(n\) files, there must be either \(1\) or \(n\) directories. If there is one directory, then all \(n\) files are moved there. If there are \(n\) directories, then each file is put into its respective directory. This function also works to move directories.
If you try to move files to a directory that doesn't exist, the directory is first created and then the files are put inside.
if (FALSE) {
files <- c("1litres_1.txt", "1litres_30.txt", "3litres_5.txt")
file.move(files, "dir")