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Apportion of credit

For clarity, I include the following reliable rules of thumb:

  • Molecular biology was done by Maro Iliopoulou and Luis Alvarez.
  • Imaging was done by Maro Iliopoulou, Luis Alvarez and Sergi Padilla-Parra.
  • The idea that correction for bleaching was the crucial step for FFS analysis was formulated by Luis Alvarez, Sergi Padilla-Parra and I.
  • I formulated the solutions for how to correctly correct for bleaching, i.e. the automatic parameter choice and the Robin Hood algorithm.
  • I wrote all of the software and maintain all of it.
  • All FFS analysis was performed using my software. The software was used to analyse data by Maro Iliopoulou, Luis Alvarez, Sergi Padilla Parra and I.
  • Structural modelling was done by Thomas Bowden and Yasunori Watanabe.
  • On all papers where I am the first listed author, I wrote the paper, taking suggested amendments and augmentation from other listed authors. The NSMB paper (Iliopoulou et al. 2018) was written by Sergi; I also made significant contributions to the writing of that manuscript but my main role in that project was in data analysis.


I hereby list my publications. These can all be downloaded from, where the naming convention is JournalYEAR.pdf.

First author

  • R. Nolan and S. Padilla-Parra. “filesstrings: An R package for file and string manipulation”. In: Journal of Open Source Software 2.14 (2017).
  • R. Nolan and S. Padilla-Parra. “exampletestr—An easy start to unit testing R packages”. In: Wellcome Open Research 2 (2017).
  • R. Nolan, L. Alvarez, J. Elegheert, et al. “nandb—number and brightness in R with a novel automatic detrending algorithm”. In: Bioinformatics 33.21 (2017).
  • R. Nolan, M. Iliopoulou, L. Alvarez, et al. “Detecting protein aggregation and interactions in live cells: a guide to Number and Brightness”. In: Methods (2017).
  • R. Nolan and S. Padilla-Parra. “ijtiff: An R package providing TIFF I/O for ImageJ users”. In: Journal of Open Source Software 3.23 (2018).
  • R. Nolan, L. Alvarez, S. C. Griffiths, et al. “Calibration-Free In-Vitro Quantification of Protein Homo-Oligomerization Using Commercial Instrumentation and Free, Open Source Brightness Analysis Software”. In: Journal of Visualized Experiments 137 (2018).
  • R. Nolan and S. Padilla-Parra. “Robin Hood: non-fitting, non-smoothing image detrending for bleaching correction”. In: BioRxiv (2019).

Co-first author

  • M. Iliopoulou, R. Nolan, et al. “A dynamic three step mechanism drives the HIV-1 pre-fusion reaction”. In: Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 25.9 (2018).


  • D. M. Jones, L. A. Alvarez, R. Nolan, et al. “Dynamin-2 stabilizes the HIV-1 fusion pore with a low oligomeric state”. In: Cell reports 18.2 (2017).
  • G. M. Jakobsdottir, M. Iliopoulou, R. Nolan, et al. “On the whereabouts of HIV-1 cellular entry and its fusion ports”. In: Trends in molecular medicine (2017).
  • Q. F. Wills, E. Mellado-Gomez, R. Nolan, et al. “The nature and nurture of cell heterogeneity: accounting for macrophage gene-environment interactions with single-cell RNA-Seq”. In: BMC genomics 18.1 (2017).

Acronyms used in this thesis

Acronym Term
ACF AutoCorrelation Function
ALEX Alternating Laser EXcitation
APD Avalanche Photo-Diode
BMC BioMed Central
CCD Charge-Coupled Device
ccN&B cross-correlated Number and Brightness
CCR5 C-Chemokyne Receptor 5
CD4 Cluster of Differentiation 4
CMOS Complementary Metal–Oxide Semiconductor
CXCR4 C-X-C motif Chemokyne Receptor 4
DNA Deoxyribinucleic Acid
dSTORM direct STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy
EM Electron Microscopy
EMCCD Electron-Multiplied Charge-Coupled Device
FCS Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
FFS Fluorescence Fluctuation Spectroscopy
FIJI FIJI Is Just ImageJ
FKBP FK Binding Protein
FRET Forster Resonance Energy Transfer
GaAsP Gallium Arsenide Phosphide
GFP Green Fluorescent Protein
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HOMO Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital
HXB2 Subtype B2 HIV-1 isolate
HyD Hybrid Detector
I/O Input/Output
JR-FL JR (patient name) Frontal Lobe
LOMO Lowest Occupied Molecular Orbital
MSD Mean Squared Displacement
mTFP monomeric Turquoise Fluorescent Protein
N&B Number and Brightness
NSM Non-Stationary Mean
NSMB Nature Structural and Molecular Biology
NSV Non-Stationary Variance
PCF Pair Correlation Function
PDB Protein DataBase
PDF Portable Document Format
PhD Philosophiae Doctor
PMT Photon Multiplier Tube
QE Quantum Efficiency
RNA Ribonucleic Acid
sCMOS scientific Complementary Metal–Oxide Semiconductor
SP Scanning Platform
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
TIR Total Internal Reflection
TIRF Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence
TZM-bl Stable cell line expressing CD4 and CCR5

Mathematical symbols used in this thesis

Symbol Meaning
\(\theta\) angle of incident light ray
\(B\) apparent brightness of entities
\(N\) apparent number of entities
\(G\) autocorrelation
\(\varphi\) concentration
\(\text{corr}\) correlation
\(\theta_c\) critical angle
\(\text{crosscor}\) cross-correlation
\(B_\text{cc}\) cross-corrlated brightness
\(\sigma^2_\text{cc}\) cross-variance
\(\tilde{x}\) deviation of \(x\) from the expected value \(\mu\) of \(X\)
\(D\) diffusion constant
\(J\) diffusive flux
\(\epsilon\) entity brightness
\(E\) expectation operator
\(\tau\) exponential smoothing parameter
\(j\) frame number
\(S_0\) highest occupied molecular orbital
\(I\) intensity
\(l\) length parameter of boxcar
\(T_1\) lowest energy triplet state
\(S_1\) lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
\(\text{msd}\) mean squared displacement
\(\mu\) mean; expected value
\(n\) moment number; number of entities; number of replicates
\(\mathbb{N}\) natural numbers (excluding zero)
\(\mathbb{N}_0\) natural numbers (including zero)
\(d\) number of dimenions
\(\alpha\) number of swaps
\(p\) particle position; pixel position
\(x\) position in space; horizontal position; instance of random variable \(X\)
\(k\) positive real number
\(X\) random variable
\(\mathbb{R}\) real numbers
\(n_2\) refractive index of cover slip
\(n_1\) refractive index of sample on cover slip
\(\tau_D\) residence time of particle (in confocal volume)
\(i\) slice number
\(\text{exp}\) the exponential function
\(t\) time
\(\text{Var}\) variance function
\(\sigma^2\) variance in intensity
\(y\) vertical position


Thanks to my parents Kate and Dave who were good enough to house me rent-free for 18 years. They encouraged me academically after it became clear that I was not the next Kevin Kilbane. Thanks to my wife Naomi who puts up with me now that my parents have had enough of me. Thanks to my brother Brendan who taught me (perhaps wrongly) that maths is cool.

Thanks to my supervisor Sergi Padilla-Parra who had many good ideas of what to study, for his intelligent input and generosity with time. Moreover, thanks to him for emphasising that it’s possible to work too hard. It’s largely thanks to his attitude that my time in Oxford was so enjoyable.

Thanks to all of my lab mates: Dan, Keith, Xenia, Raquel, Luis, Margarita, Marina, Maro, Marina, Maria, Chad and Irene; it was interesting and fun to spend time with you all. I’ll look back upon my time in the lab fondly, I hope you can say the same.

Thanks to my friends Kathrin and Zammy from my PhD programme; we shared the journey to becoming doctors and come out of the other end with lifelong friendships as well as new titles.

Thanks to my college friends Bas, Jessica, Francis, Sarah, Andy, Frankie, Jonny, Suze, Walid, Sophia, Martin, Max, Maj, Nirmalie, Luiza, LD and many more. It was a privilege to have so many good friends at once.

There are plenty more people I should thank, but I’m tired so I’m going to stop now.


Iliopoulou, Maro, Rory Nolan, Luis Alvarez, Yasunori Watanabe, Charles A. Coomer, G. Maria Jakobsdottir, Thomas A. Bowden, and Sergi Padilla-Parra. 2018. “A dynamic three step mechanism drives the HIV-1 prefusion reaction.” Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. 25 (9). doi:10.1038/s41594-018-0113-x.