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  • Rory Nolan. Author, maintainer, copyright holder.

  • Luis Alvarez. Contributor, copyright holder.

  • Sergi Padilla-Parra. Contributor, thesis advisor, copyright holder.


Source: inst/CITATION

Nolan R, Alvarez L, Elegheert J, Iliopoulou M, Jakobsdottir G, Rodriguez-Munoz M, Aricescu A, Padilla-Parra S (2017). “nandb–—number and brightness in R with a novel automatic detrending algorithm.” Bioinformatics. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx434.

  title = {{nandb}--—number and brightness in R with a novel automatic detrending algorithm},
  author = {Rory Nolan and Luis Alvarez and Jonathan Elegheert and Maro Iliopoulou and G. Maria Jakobsdottir and Marina Rodriguez-Munoz and A. Radu Aricescu and Sergi Padilla-Parra},
  journal = {Bioinformatics},
  year = {2017},
  doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btx434},