expects the time dimension to be the fourth
dimension of the image (y
, x
, time
). Some people’s data is
linescan, meaning there is only one spatial dimension (x
and time is placed along the y
axis of the image. We have
an example in this package. It’s 1,000 time points of a line of 64
pixels; it has 2 channels.
linescan_img <- ijtiff::read_tif(system.file("extdata", "linescan.tif",
package = "detrendr"
#> Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
#> object 'type_sum.accel' not found
#> Reading linescan.tif: an 8-bit, 1000x64 pixel image of
#> unsigned integer type. Reading 2 channels and 1 frame . . .
#> Done.
#> [1] 1000 64 2 1
As you can see, the image has 1,000 rows and 64 columns in its two
channels, so time is indeed along the y
axis. This won’t
work with detrendr, so before detrending it, we need to put time on the
fourth dimension. Fortunately, ijtiff
provides a function
for this.
converted_img <- ijtiff::linescan_to_stack(linescan_img)
#> [1] 1 64 2 1000
Now as you can see, time is on the fourth dimension, so we can proceed as normal.
detrended_converted_img <- img_detrend_rh(converted_img)
#> [1] 1 64 2 1000
This image is still in stack format. You could now convert it back to linescan format if you like.
linescan_detrended_img <- ijtiff::stack_to_linescan(detrended_converted_img)
#> [1] 1000 64 2 1
You can then do as you please with these results, such as save them
with ijtiff::write_tif()